So he's (At least I'm pretty sure it's a he) got a milky white/yellow telson. I purchased him fresh from a local invert dealer. During his first few weeks, he'd always adventure around the tank, climbing stuff. He was largely nocturnal. Within a week he'd found his favorite hide, and would always stay there with his claws barely poking out. After a quick redecoration of his tank a week or so ago, he started coming out and being more and more active, more and more often. He also still kept the pattern of keeping just the tips of his claws exposed from his hide.
That's actually how I got that picture of him you see on my avatar.
Since that night, however, I noticed that he seemed a bit lethargic for a day, then he vanished. He's not in his normal 'hide' places, which only leads me to believe he dug himself a bit deeper into the substrate. I'm hesitant to try and 'go find him'.
It's been a few days. I'm more or less active all night, and he's got a night "moonlight" blue LED that I keep on occasionally. Even in darkness, however, quick checks still have him MIA. Hopefully, he's molting well.