Right I bought this h. swammi in december, about 1"
And it is still 1"!
I am keeping like my other hets. and they are all thriving, but this lill' pain in the bottom is being awkward.
It does eat, not as often as I would like but it's pretty active. But not anywhere near moulting size yet, plump but no where near ready for next instar.
It's in a 6" critter keeper with 2" of substrate (coir) water bowl and a load of moss for cover (covers about 1/3 of the surface area). Humidity is about 70ish % and temp varies between 27-28 degrees C during the day. and about 20 on a night.
Any idea's on why it's being awkward? Does it need to be a little dryer? I'm puzzled!
Do they do better in groups when they are young? Hmmm...!!!!