So ever since my Arizonensis(1 male/1 female) dug themselves a tunnel into the substrate months ago, I hadn't seen them much until a couple of days ago. I woke up to activity in the tank around 3am, opened an eye and saw one of them sitting outside their tunnel. Too tired to go take a look, I went back to sleep and didn't think much of it. Fast-forward to today...
Seeing a claw outside the cave I freaked out and dug up the tunnel to find one hella-fat female amid the ruins of the male... My why a grizzly sight... along with dead crickets laying near by... So she hasn't been eating, killed her male, and has put on weight.(will try to get pics in a bit)... Now I don't think she's pregnant as I haven't seen a spermaphore anywhere around the cage... But I'll give pregnancy a 5% chance here to be fair, lol. I'm guessing it's more likely she got tired of him clipping his chelae in the bed and had off with his head. Idk, Time will tell I guess. I'm just sad the male had to die(hopefully of old age before the female got to him), and possibly happy at the rare chance of her being pregnant.