Hi, im new here, by about 5 minuites lol, anyway, iv been in the hobby for well over a decade, i have more or less 250 tarantula's, and i breed alot of them to, when they co-operate that is
iridopelma sp. "Recife" (Ribbed tree spider)
Grammostola Sp "North" (Northern gold) Fang and teeth
Grammostola Sp "North" (Northern gold) Fang and teeth with close up of were the venom is relised (Pin prick hole)
Grammostola Sp "North" trying out the Poecilotheria Sp stance
Brachypelma vagans spiderling
Brachypelma smithi immature male juvi
Poecilotheria ornata immature male juvi
Poecilotheria formosa Adult female