It seems nobody keeps these as pets, and I guess I know why. So I've bought a 4 dollar plastic cage for him, typically for say a hermit crab, but he's a tiny little fella. I am also strapped for cash. So, I built him a small home with a rock, a twig, and some potting soil from the garden. It was easy, but I don't like it. I still haven't made him a hide yet. So my plan is to make him a 2 story home! Not sure if anyone has done it, but I'm gonna give it a shot, and see if he? likes it. I'm very new to scorpions so any help would be appreciated. I caught him 2 days ago and he hasn't eaten the grasshopper, so I tossed the body, I caught a grub from the potting soil. Will he eat it? Or is it too big/dangerous for him? He's too little for most food[crickets, spiders, etc] so what should I do? Head crush crickets? Or perhaps he'll eat earth worms?