Well hello guys, I see things have remained somewhat similar with most of us now residing on the Facebook groups.
Few items / points since the last time I ran through here.
For starters, how is everyone doing?
Any new additions? Any new hobbyists poking around the forum? feel free to say hello!
On to me:
I acquired roughly 17 scorpion species however traded almost all non-Pandinus Imperator off with a few reptile breeders i know and ended up with a rather large number of Panther Chameleons
Have laid dormant for a while but I have returned and will steadily rebuild the collection to a far more impressive size over the coming months (Spring will likely offer more specimens in the market due to colder weather here in the UK atm).
As of right now I have a few species:
H.Minusalta x 1 - 0.1.0
L.Haenggi x 2 - 1.1.0
P.Imperator x 6 - 2.4.0
I have a rather large amount of reptiles to shift currently, however they're slowly leaving me which means a big fund for the scorpion racks and vivs.
Was wondering if anyone had any contacts other than the two I have at present:
http://buthiden.de.tl/Versand-_-Shipping.htm - Mr Stockmann
and Giorgio Molisani
That would be selling a large number / variety of species. Specifically Opistophthalmus species.
However I'm interested in many things you may have excess of (Including the duller Heterometrus sp!).
Please be aware I'm mainly interested in getting several 3-4 of each species + ideally a few species or more at a time so larger quantities ideally.
With all this being said I should have a good box breaking video from my bulk order with Mark Stockmann over the coming month for you, just waiting for warmer months and a few more broods to come along.
If any of you happen to have any video tours of your Scorpion Room/Racks feel free to indulge, I don't think I can stand to see another photo of Heterometrus Longimanus/Laoticus/Cyaneus/Spinifer asking whether or not a person is in ownership of an "Emperor" haha, so feel free to show off your nicer looking / more exciting species.
I'll end this post here and return to drilling air holes in plastic tubs!