Well, very few people have kept this species so there'll be little info. around on captive conditions.
My advice would be to look up where this species is found, and then research the climate of this area. As for its habits etc., it's a Pandinus spp. so it will almost definitely be a burrower. So it will need a deep substrate that can support a burrow. There will be scientific papers somewhere describing the type of environments they are found in. A good start would be www.scorpiones.pl for range, scorpion files for papers and wunderground for climate. Also check the EU/German forums as these guys seem to get their hands on the unusual stuff most commonly.
If I had this species, from the little I know about it, I would keep it pretty hot (28c - 32c) during the day, allowing temperature to drop to the mid 20c's at night. Some humidity, particularly in the substrate, but probably not as humid as you would keep for P. imperator. And I would keep them singly because A) it seems only P. imperator tolerates communal living in this genus and B) even if it looks like this species might tolerate living in groups, they're too rare to risk losing because of cannibalism/fighting.