1. Deliberate mating of an adult pair
* Brood status: Successful
* Instar of the male/female pair: unknown
* Steps taken to mate the pair: male introduced to female's enclosure after placing some slate and pottery down for him to plant the spermataphore. She was obviously receptive and was fed amply beforehand.
* Duration taken for signs of gestation: 2-4 months they show embryos and fatten up and waddle for the remainder.
* Environmental conditions for the gravid female: 80% sand, 20% cocofiber. Waterdish filled weekly. Singleton hide next to heatlamp (~90 degrees), singleton hide away from heatlamp (~70-77). Heat gradient could have been better, as it was poor.
* Gestation period: ~10 months
* Number of young born: 35
* Number of young eaten by mom: 0
* Number of young surviving to 2.instar: 34 (2 died afterwards for unknown reasons before feedings occured, probably weak specimens)
This happened from 1/2012 to 10/2012. My second brood with the specie and mother.