Alright, so I'm chilling by my PC and I hear a rustling in my Scorpion Tank. Taking a peek over, I see Shosuro climbing up the wire of the digital Thermometer I use to monitor her hide's temp. I saw it and thought "Oh that looks neat." Continuing my observation brought something truly hilarious.
She (I think, see other post) then used her claws to grip the remainder of the wire, at almost a 90 degree angle to where she was, and climb up to the top of the cage. She's done this twice now.
In the interest of her not taking a ten inch fall, I used a deli cup to get her down and put her back into safety, but I'm wondering how common this is. Should I be worried about the fall? It's a full ten gallon tank, and the top is about 10 to 12 inches high. THere are rocks and hard things on the ground below where she'd climb.