I redid my stripped devil's (V spin) enclosure again this time with a mix of sand and coco fiber, I finally dried on my other enclosures so I wa sable to put in my P boreus (Northern Scorpion), and my Rusty thick tailed (B Jacksoni), I also picked up another scorpion along with my B jacksoni for 10 bucks, a Parurctonus Silvestri (sucks thats the common name too ).
The P silvestri was a lot larger then I thought and it looks like its going to be molting in the near future, so I am going to have to make another trip to the container store to buy a slightly larger acrlyic container for this guy. I will update this thread with pics of the new enclosure for him/her when that does happen.
Without further ado here are some rehouse pics and pics of the new additions
Side by side
P Silvestri:
B Jacksoni:
P Boreus:
V Spin:
The V Spin was dragging that sucker around for a while lol
They are all near a heat pad or a IR light so they can get the off heat that they produce so they wil be above room temperature + my roomis pretty warm in general lol.
Now I need a shelf to store all these bad boys and girls as I am running out of room :p.
I will update with a new enclosure for the P Silvestri when I get it done.
Well I ended up getting a S.Mesaenesis (Dune Scorpion) today and I went to the container store again and got 2 more containers for the S.Mesaenesis and the Silvestri.
Silvestri Enclosure, 70/30 mix of coco and sand packed in of course, I used a piece of PVC pipe cut in half to make that trap door spider style hole, it loves to hide so yeah I figured I might as well make it look cool. I put it up against the wall and I made sure it was visible for me to peak in from time to time
Here is the Dune Scorpion/S.Mesaensis and its soon to be enclosure when it dries out.
I found a piece of cork bark outside, I washed and it put it under a blow dryer for about 20 mins thing was piping hot when I was done with it.