If you keep them cool, but within their temperature zone, they'll live longer than if you kept them at the warmer end of their comfort zone. They are cold blooded. To metabolize quicker, they need to be warmer. I have heard of scorpions living for 15-20 years. I don't remember the species, but i do remember that it was a cooler climate species. Be sure to research them fully and offer them the best life that you possibly can.
If you stress them (i.e. handle them a lot, feed them too little or too much, keep them in adverse living conditions, or feed them lime jello) they will die much earlier than nature had expected them to.
Emps typically live between 5 and 8 years.
Every species is different, depending on their habitat, diets, habitatual stress level, and whether or not they are allergic to lime jello.
The best question to ask would be-
Of everyone on this forum, what are the species and approximate ages they are, or ages they were when they had expired?
I'll start:
P. Imperator- expired at approx 2 years of age (had fungal infection of the skin causing a bad molt)