I am not liable for carriers delay resulting to DOA's any errors/mishaps caused by the carriers is not in my control and I will not be responsible for any replacements and refunds for the carriers error and also ACTS OF NATURE(ie. sudden change in tempt) INCLUDED.Feel free to ask for bulk pricing thanks! DISCOUNTS are always GIVEN. Anything that transpires after its out of my custody is NOT my responsibility and I will NOT refund nor replace.
0.0.X Androctonus bicolor slings - $5.00/ea
0.0.X Chaerilus celebensis slings - $2.00/ea adults - $8.00/ea
0.X.0 Parabuthus liosoma adults - $25/ea
Shipping fee: 50usd
For trade with Gshock GA300-1A and GA300A-1A
Price are effective until December 31, 2013 only. Until supply last.