1. Deliberate mating of an adult pair x2
* Brood status: Successful
* Instar of the male/female pair: 7i/8i
* Steps taken to mate the pair: male introduced to female's enclosure after placing some slate and pottery down for him to plant the spermataphore. She was fairly receptive, he was very horny, and she was fed amply beforehand until she refused food.
* Duration taken for signs of gestation: They start to really fatten up after mating, and start gorging themselves. 5 months they show embryos and fatten up and waddle for the remainder.
* Environmental conditions for the gravid female: 70% sand, 30% cocofiber. Waterdish filled weekly. Singleton hide next to heatlamp (~95 degrees), singleton hide away from heatlamp (~70-78). Heat gradient could have been better, as it was near my furnace, so the brood size suffered greatly. Both females were kept with the colony until 2 months before popping.
* Gestation period: ~7-8 months
* Number of young born: ~80/80
* Number of young eaten by mom: 0
* Number of young surviving to 2.instar: 30/78. First brood i separated too early, and didnt provide enough water. They died of stress even after supplying necessary water. PLEASE LEAVE WITH MOTHER UNTIL THEY LEAVE ON THEIR OWN. Other species can handle it early, with these, it is reckless.
This happened from 8/2012 to 3/2013. These are the first broods with the specie and mothers. They were paired immediately afterwards for round two.