Okay, normally the picture would be fine but quite recently I've been having some vision problems. I'm still leaning towards H. laoticus as I don't see any granulation, but I don't want to make that call with my vision as it is.
So, I'm going to show you how to differentiate the two species, and let you (or someone else who still has clear vision and functional depth perception) decide.
There are two main distinguishing features between the species.
H. laoticus has no granlution on the carapace, while H. petersii has some.
The other is the presence or internal tubercle (it should be noted that the tubercle is NOT pronounced, as it is in H. spinifer for example) on the patella in H. petersii, whilw it is completely absent in H. laoticus.
If you're unclear as to what I mean by granulation, basically they're small bumps on the scorpion's exoskeleton.
Here's an example with C. gracilis:
Sorry I'm not able to make a definite call on what it is, hopefully I'll have my vision issues sorted out soon.