Hi guys. recieved my new Opistophthalmus glabrifrons mid last week from the spider shop. i've read many mixed things on the web about temperature and humidity. i've read mostly that a false bottom with sand/excavating clay as substarate is best. but no actual numbers as to what temp and humidity should be. anyone maybe knows from experience? i'm worried because the web says they don't normally live long incaptivity to people getting the humidty wrong and keeping them as similar temp/humidty as a normal desert specie scorpion. its my first scorp i've had that vigorously stung its cricket meal. it was amazing to watch, was the same evening i got it. i havnt seen my haddy in a few weeks due to a crazy big burrow its dug. and same as my emporor :O many thanks in advance for any info.
Kind regards Sam