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 My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)

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5 posters

Number of posts : 915
Age : 28
Location : Kent U.K
Registration date : 2011-04-13

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 6:37 am

my big 'ole red claw.. looking very green at the moment, looking a bit Heterometrus lol. i think he must be mature by now. what do you guys think? My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0687

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0683

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0681

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0680

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0679

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0676

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0675

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0674

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0668

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0666

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0657

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) DSC_0649

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Number of posts : 452
Age : 41
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-05-29

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 7:42 am

Nice pics. How big is he? Looks just like mine. Is your guy very aggressive too?
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Number of posts : 915
Age : 28
Location : Kent U.K
Registration date : 2011-04-13

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 7:46 am

he's about 13 cm without the tail. it's amazingly aggresive, very pinch.. they hurt lol
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Number of posts : 4246
Age : 41
Registration date : 2010-08-29

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 8:54 am

Looks adult to me Smile our male cav ate our female when we tried to mate them Sad
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Number of posts : 915
Age : 28
Location : Kent U.K
Registration date : 2011-04-13

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 9:00 am

*~BEX~* wrote:
Looks adult to me Smile our male cav ate our female when we tried to mate them Sad

oh no Sad i was considering buying him a mate.. that's made my mind up, he's a right soab at times.. well, all the time.
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Number of posts : 4246
Age : 41
Registration date : 2010-08-29

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 10:11 am

we had been putting them together for a few hours at a time for mating and accidently left them over night and came down to a half eating female cav Sad you really need to keep a close eye on them, we still have another female so hope is not lost altogether lol Smile

they are deffo not communal at all but i would say to have a go at mating, its hard though Smile
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Number of posts : 915
Age : 28
Location : Kent U.K
Registration date : 2011-04-13

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 10:35 am

*~BEX~* wrote:
we had been putting them together for a few hours at a time for mating and accidently left them over night and came down to a half eating female cav Sad you really need to keep a close eye on them, we still have another female so hope is not lost altogether lol Smile

they are deffo not communal at all but i would say to have a go at mating, its hard though Smile

it's still not worth rising it Smile
would love to have a go at breeding imperator though
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Number of posts : 2647
Age : 40
Location : Next to Manneke Pis
Registration date : 2011-04-16

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 11:09 am

Shouldnt be too hard. From what I experience is that nature wants siblings :-)
Feed them good, dont stress them out and put them together. Having a tank with a removable separation really helps though.

This does not stress the animals out and they will venture toward each other without the stress of having been removed from their homes.

Put in a slate on which they can dance and you are golden.

It is VERY VERY unlikely your male or female will get eaten this way.

If you come across a gorgeous grabready woman, would you kill her or have fun with her? I know what I would do! It is that simple. Oh yes, I have a girlfriend, good we work anonymously here.


Besides, I dont think these big scorpions can kill each other that fast. Bex might have more experience with that though lol
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Number of posts : 4246
Age : 41
Registration date : 2010-08-29

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 11:21 am

our girl was ripped o pieces in a space of about 7 hours Sad claws was broken her head was split open and she was virtually cut in two Sad

but yeah maybe sectioning off is the way to go then they are in ther own environment without any intervention from us to stress them out...need some perspex now lol Smile
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Number of posts : 2097
Age : 42
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 11:31 am

Bex, when did that happen, I remember you bought the cavi's not too long ago, rite?
So sorry for your loss. I was gonna take a Cavi this week, but the guy who used to carry them seemed to have only an emp available.
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Number of posts : 2647
Age : 40
Location : Next to Manneke Pis
Registration date : 2011-04-16

My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty6/3/2011, 11:41 am


Or Cavimanus and pandinus are EXCEPTIONALLY hostile versus each other or I'm just having baby scorpions.

Mind you, the ones I put together are supposed to be a lot hotter blooded species and they just get along, even if not mating.... so I don't understad it really.

I know you feed them enough so..

So I guess it is a genus thing, or yes minimize stress :-)
But I'm sure you will get them to wink at each other pretty soon.

Look what you have, you have scorplings already!
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My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)   My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy) Empty

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My Pandinus cavimanus (pic heavy)
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