A quick review on the website I use to bulk order my livefood.
I've used them for quite a while now and never had a problem. The free delivery's always on time. Very rarely are any dead and very rare to have any fuzzy worms or beetles. Not one dead cricket or super worm in the order I received today, neither is there any pest species. All crickets look plump and healthy.
Here's a picture of the order. I order this amount about once a month, aslong as I give them food they last this long, but I do get through alot. There's 6 maxipacks (like double the normal crix box size) there. I used to get them literally in a bulk sack which works out cheaper but it was a pain boxing them up because I had a ton of adult cricket's get loose when they inevitably chewed through the sack. So I buy prepacked ones now and on here they get cheaper the more you buy up to 6, which is why I get 6 at a time.
There's 2x superworm's 1x large brown 1x small/medium brown 1x large black 1x large banded. Give's a good mix of sizes and species to feed and plenty of weight to fill my beardies up!
Brown crickets
Black crickets
Banded crickets
I've tried a couple of other sites but been happiest with these so far, going to stick with them.
Link to Livefood Direct