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 Dealing With Mites?

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Number of posts : 58
Age : 46
Registration date : 2009-11-24

Dealing With Mites? Empty
PostSubject: Dealing With Mites?   Dealing With Mites? Empty10/16/2010, 4:58 pm

I noticed my youngest Emperor has mites after someone saw a picture and pointed it out a few months ago. I have tried cleaning her enclosure, drowning her, vaseline, leaving food bits behind to summon predacious mites, nothing works.

Any advice?
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Number of posts : 159
Age : 36
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Registration date : 2010-08-30

Dealing With Mites? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealing With Mites?   Dealing With Mites? Empty10/16/2010, 7:02 pm

What worked for me:

I've had a couple blasts of mites, likely because my emp eats in her tunneling system and it's hard to clean.

1) Remove scorp into empty temporary container
2) Dump out substrate, bleach tank/ornaments
3) Wipe off scorp (as you've done) until mites have disappeared (they will if kept in temporary empty tank, as you can remove faster than they can breed). Mine usually takes 2 days. Although this can lead to extreme scorp stress without substrates.
4) When mites are gone, bingo, you're done.

However, this is a long drawn out method I only use as a last resort. I've had great luck with just drying out the tank for a week or so, and vaselining everyday. I also only tong feed during this time to ensure complete removal of all decaying matter.

You also might have some luck with traps (film canister covered in vaseline on the inside, stuff with dead cricks, and poke tiny holes in the vaseline covered lid

Mites are annoying, and extremely stressful. I find it very hard to get a complete removal, especially if they are the parasitic kind, as they don't need that decaying food, and will just live off the scorp.

With parasitic, the only method I've found was the first one for complete removal.

With predatory, Scott Land (i believe) gave the best advice, to just dry out the tank, and when they cluster, pick em out.

I'm sure others can give out much better advice however, as mites may be frequent with my emp, but I'm still relatively new too dealing with them. (I believe my first encounter was a month ago).
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andrew saken
andrew saken

Number of posts : 61
Age : 40
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Registration date : 2010-06-23

Dealing With Mites? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealing With Mites?   Dealing With Mites? Empty10/17/2010, 2:59 pm

I actually spent my night last night cleaning out my whole tank to get rid of mites. I had taken all the food out and dried it the best I could (I had plants so I had to put some water in for them) for about two weeks, but still had them. It turned out there was uneaten food deep in a burrow that was completely covered in mites. So I decided to just dump everything and clean out the whole tank.
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 38
Location : Denver, Colorado
Registration date : 2010-01-12

Dealing With Mites? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealing With Mites?   Dealing With Mites? Empty11/7/2010, 4:25 pm

Ok I have advice for a much MUCH easier solution that works 100% better than vaseline and you dont have to replace any of the substrate or clean your tank or cause any stress to your scorp...

My scorpion had a serious mite problem and after trying the vaseline, submersion, tank clean methods with no luck I ended up doing extensive research and found a tarantula website that recommeded buying predator mites to eat the parasite mites. The species recommended and the one I used was Hypoaspis sp. I bought them online and had them shipped out to me. The company sent directions on how to introduce the mites and it was very easy. After 2 weeks I had ZERO mites on my scorp and have been mite free for 6+ months. I absolutely swear by this method and believe that it is a much more effective and safe method than any other. My scorp experienced NO stress during the process.

The only downfall of this method is that the cost of purchasing the mites and having them shipped was around $60. Totally worth it to me for my scorp, but I happened to be lucky enough to be able to afford it at that time.
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andrew saken
andrew saken

Number of posts : 61
Age : 40
Location : philly
Registration date : 2010-06-23

Dealing With Mites? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dealing With Mites?   Dealing With Mites? Empty11/7/2010, 5:05 pm

My problem was with the predator mites. I had tons of them. If you want to get rid of the other kind with them you could just leave some dead food in the tank and they'll show up for free haha.
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