I'm a complete noob and don't really know what I'm talking about, so any constructive criticism on my comment below is more than welcome but these are my thoughts.
Since the scorps are eating the crickets they are getting the protein from them and not really from the meal worms the crickets are eating. It would probably more beneficial to get the nutrients form the vegies/fruit the crickets might eat.
Although as I wrote that I thought about this. I'm not sure if protein affects insects the way it does humans, but protein is needed to promote muscle growth and development, so it could make for a meatier cricket. If this was the case your thoughts would be on the money.
I had also just posted a question regarding breeding feeders and was recommended to look at Blaptica Dubia Cockroaches. In doing so I found a lot cool information. An example of this is on TheRoachGuy.Com It is under nutrients and the direct link is: The Roach Guy/ Nutrients
Just thought I'd share that last part since you seemed to be interested in nutrients.