The staff have decided that it's time to regulate signatures. Here are the rules we agreed upon:
Banners are allowed; maximum size is 500 pixels by 75 pixels.
Animations are allowed only if in banners and not "excessively annoying" (i.e., strobe-light effects, something that may cause seizures, etc.) -- animated emotes outisde of banners are OK.
No more than five lines of text of a reasonable size (14 point max), including spaces.
Links are fine, including links to other forums, but no "mature content" links or shock sites.
No TyPiNg LiKe ThIs 'CaUsE iT's A pAiN tO rEaD.
Anything larger than these outlines, please put in "spoiler" tags.
[ spoiler = " insert description here " ] signature [ / spoiler ], but omitting the spaces.
All other
Scorpionforum rules applies.
The ScorpionForum Staff