Buthus paris adult 1.1..€45
Virgin female freshly moulted 5 weeks ago. Male moulted 5 months ago.
Parabuthus schlechteri
instar 4..€15
Only a few left. Possibility of sexed pair.
Parabuthus pallidus
instar 3..€6
Only a few left. Possibility of sexed pair.
Parabuthus liosoma
Adult 0.2..€20 stk
Hottentotta jayakari
instar 2..€6,
5 stk €25
Grosphus ankarana
instar 6: €20..Only a few left. Possibility of sexed pair
instar 5: €12..Only a few left. Possibility of sexed pair
instar 4: €10..Only a few left. Possibility of sexed pair
Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus
instar 2..5stk €20,
Adult 1.1 €40. Adults less than 1 year old.
Rhopalurus junceus
instar 3..5stk €25
Rhopalurus garridoi
instar 2..5 stk €20
Shipping within Europe
Standard €8
Tracking .. Ask
Shipping USA, Asia
Tracking €30
All parcels sent out on a Monday. Scorpions are individually packed in padded containers and sent in reinforced postal boxes. Padding material is used to pad out all spaces within the box to insulate and secure the containers. Polystyrene sheeting is used as lining and stabilisation within the package. My packages have an excellent track record although we have no LAG her in Europe.
Payment by paypal only.
Sales over €50 = freebies.
Sales over €100 = freebies, free postage.